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Working with Kimberly

 Explore Kimberly's transformative offerings today to unlock your potential and the incredible healing potential of your human heart!

"Finding those people, places, and practices that bring us a feeling of safety (after a lifetime of feeling unsafe), is absolutely transformative! Bringing love into places where there is pain helps heal our hearts, heal our bodies, and heal our souls". 


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) ‘Tapping’ Coaching Sessions

1 on 1 personal coaching sessions to help you honour your emotions, reconnect to your heart and body, and help you move from emotional pain to emotional freedom!

Initial Assessment (75 mins) .....$135

Regular Session (60 mins) .....$105


*Multiple Session Packages available for a discounted rate.

‘Starting Fresh with Love’ Program

This is a powerful, nurturing *11- week program using EFT Tapping and the Grief Recovery Method to help you move forward from ‘emotional stuckness’ by processing and healing what still aches in your heart, and learning new, radical ways to love yourself through the future upsets, struggles, and losses of life. I dreamt of creating this program for years, and I am thrilled that it’s now alive to guide your heart and life!


*This program can be modified to fit a 8-week schedule.

$1875 investment

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Event Speaker & Workshop Facilitator

Kimberly emanates a contagious, bright energy, and possesses a deep inspiration and passion to share powerful messages about grief and loss, EFT Tapping, healing and transformation with the hearts of our World! She reminds us that if we’re courageous enough to look deeply into our own hearts and listen to what it needs, then we have the capacity to transform our relationships and our lives, dream big, and create that life of our wildest dreams!

Inquire to explore the investment that suits your event.

Speaking ExampleKimberly Robbie
00:00 / 06:18

Curious about the investment required?

My services are priced to reflect my skills and energy, alongside the flexibility to fit your budget. I invite you to initiate a conversation so that we can explore an investment that fits us both and enables us to work together to revolutionize your story.

Book a Service

Connect with Kimberly to explore the opportunities to connect and work together. 

Which service(s) are you interesed in?

Thanks for submitting!

Kimberly provided a group EFT Tapping workshop at our workplace, and the level of employee engagement was very good.  Kimberly provided some great tools for our staff to use in their personal and professional lives, and facilitated a safe and supportive environment throughout the workshop.  Highly recommended for any workplace (especially those requiring significant emotional resilience and investment)  wanting to provide information and easy start-up tools for their staff!


Dr. Jennifer Marshal, DVM

Edmonton Wholistic Veterinary Clinic

Alexa Young, CA

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