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Kimberly's Story

Growing up, I always believed life should be filled with more joy, love, and connection than what I experienced in my relationships and in life. However, I was constantly told, both directly and indirectly, to suppress my joy and light, to avoid standing out or being "too much," and to temper my excitement because life and people would inevitably disappoint.

Despite this discouragement, I knew deep down that this narrative was flawed. Just one month after turning 40, I found myself divorced, lost, and utterly shattered. Surprisingly, this despair became the catalyst for the life I had always dreamt of.

Through a courageous, tumultuous, and soulful journey of grieving my marriage and the accumulated grief of nearly 40 years, I underwent a profound transformation. By fully embracing and feeling every emotion, I shifted from a life defined by doubt, fear, and longing to one overflowing with joy, love, creativity, purpose, and passion beyond my wildest dreams!

My journey of radical self-love and healing was guided by two powerful tools: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping and The Grief Recovery Method. In a world that teaches us to "get over it", deal with it on our own, and not burden others too much, I challenged this narrative and embarked on what I call "mavericking" – pushing the boundaries of societal norms and embracing our pain with open hearts.

Mavericking our emotions means honoring and nurturing them, speaking authentically about our pain (with others and ourselves), and allowing ourselves to be supported by others. This transformative process has the potential to revolutionize the way we love ourselves, others, AND life!

Whether through one-on-one EFT coaching sessions, my "Starting Fresh With Love" loss recovery program, or lectures and workshops for various communities, podcasts, and businesses, I am committed to helping you heal your heart and embark on a journey towards a life of deeper connection, resilience, and genuine joy and happiness!

“Love is not the absence of an emotion (like anger, hatred, sadness), but the summation of ALL emotions. Thus, for the soul to experience perfect Love, it must experience every human emotion.
The purpose of the human soul is to experience ALL of it - so it can BE all of it."


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